Pikswart Donker Nag op die Volksakker
Dit is pikswart donker nag op die Volksakker, omdat mense ophou praat het agv n 100 jaar se gepolitiekery waar politici alles vir en namens ons doen.
Na 20 jaar van liberale oorheersing is ons op die randjie van uitwissing, behalwe vir n paar naguile wat roep.
Wat gaan ons Volk se toekoms wees ?
Gaan die paar naguile terroristebendes word soos sommige volke in die wereld. OF,
Sal daar n herlewing kom soos by die Skotte, Kataloniers, en ook by ander volke, met n strewe na een of ander vorm van selfbeskikking ?
Herken die Verenigde Nasies nie die reg op selfbeskikking nie ? En, so ook ons land se grondwet !
Eis die Jode en Moslems nie hul reg op selfbeskikking op om self hul eie skole in ons land te vestig en te bestuur nie ?
Wat wil ons in ons dorpe, stede en vir ons land hê
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How Can We Force Governments To Give Us Freedom?
Bondstaat seeks to highlight the plight of peoples who aspire to nationhood. These might be based on peoples or tribes based within a state or even across borders that may or may not have been independently organised in the past. They might have a linguistic or historical separateness from their neighbours or fellow citizens. All will aspire to recognition, autonomy or independence.
And as self-determinists we support the right of all such peoples to determine their future whatever they wish that to be. This includes for example the Venda, Matabele, Afrikaner, Zulu, Kurds, Flemish, Sikhs and Tamils.
However, when it comes to obtaining any form of self-determination, the reaction of the ‘powers that be’ can be wildly different. One only has to take a look at three cases in Europe to see this.
The first example is that of Czechoslovakia.
On 1 January 1993, this artificial state (created after World War I) split into the Czech Republic and Slo
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Artikel 235 van die grondwet lees soos volg:
Artikel 235 van die grondwet lees soos volg:
“The right of the South African people as a whole to self determination, as manifested in this Constitution, does not preclude, within the framework of this right, recognition of the notion of the right of self determination of any community sharing a common cultural and language heritage, within a territorial entity in the Republic or in any other way, determined by national legislation.“
Soos jy seker weet is die klousule deur die VF in 1994 beding. Verder het die ANC ‘n 35% steun vir selfbeskikking gestel voor die 1994verkiesing as bewys dat daar genoegsame steun vir selfbeskikking is. Ook is daar ‘n drie-ledige skriftelike ooreenkoms tussen die ANC, NP ( as die wettige regering op daardie stadium ) en die VF op 23 April 1994 aangegaan dat self beskikking in die toekoms aangespreek kan word. Die VF het 37 ½% steun die verkiesing behaal. Met die sertifisering van die 1966 Grondwet is daa
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Welkom by VolksNuus
Welcome to BondStaat (Commonwealth). Bondstaat is a non-partisan liberation group for the Commonwealth of Nations without states in Southern Africa.
Welkom by BondStaat. Bondstaat is ‘n vryheids group vir die bondstaat van nasies sonder ‘n staat in Suider Afrika.
We support, promote and defend TRUE DIVERSITY for all cultures, languages and peoples. We believe in the promotion, defence and pursuit of cultural variety and sustainability as part of the rich heritage that exists on the sub-continent of Southern Africa. With a greater diversity than all of Europe, this region only has half a dozen large oppressive regimes in power who are all funded and backed by Socialist ideology which aims to destroy all diversity in a single totalitarian state.
Ons ondersteun, bevorder en verdedig WARE DIVERSITEIT vir alle kulture, tale en volke. Ons glo in die bevordering, verdediging en die nastrewing van kulturele verskeidenheid en volh
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