Nederland het ‘n aansienlike tekort aan IKT-professionele en ingenieurs, wat lei tot ‘n toenemende vraag na buitelandse talent
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Die Groot Trek Terug Kry Meer Momentum na Nederlandse Aanvraag na Suid-Afrikaanse Ingenieurs Verdubbel!
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Anti-Apartheid 2.0: Meer as 600 Joodse Organisasies, die Meerderheid van Jode in VSA, Teken Ondersteunings Brief vir BLM/BDS Nieteenstaande BLM Leiers se Antisemitisme!
Ingeligte Suid Afrikaners is bewus dat Jode spog oor die geweldige rol wat hulle gespeel het om Suid Afrika in die hande van swartes te prop (sien grafiek hieronder), maar dit gaan verder as net hier in Suid Afrika, wat net ‘n klein deel was van liberale Jode se buitensporige groot rol, om die radikaal ver linkse kommunistiese wêreld orde te bevorder. Meer as 600 Joodse organisasies, wat die meerderheid Amerikaanse Jode verteenwoordig, het ‘n brief onderteken ter ondersteuning van die Black Lives Matter beweging, wat in ‘n volblad New York Times-advertensie gepubliseer is. Met die onlangse oproep deur ‘n jood, die seun van die eienaar van die Ambassador Hotel in Clifton, Kaapstad, dat EFF kaders blanke woonbuurte moet inval, is dit nie hoogtyd dat die vraag, of Jode vir ons goed gesind is of nie, bespreek word nie, soos hulle nou in VSA doen?
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Selfs Nooddienste Word as Teikens Gesien in Die Reënboog AbomiNasie
Die departement van gesondheid in Gauteng het ‘n beroep op mense gedoen om hul man te staan in die stryd teen aanhoudende aanvalle op nooddienste.
In die jongste voorval is twee paramedici Vrydag geskiet en beseer toe hulle na ‘n misdaadtoneel in Dukathole buite Germiston ontbied is.
Luister Hier:
Volgens die woordvoerder van die departement, Kwara Kekana, kon die beseerde persoon nie genoeg behandel word nie weens die aanval op die nooddiens
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Petition to Make The Cape a Federal Homeland State for Afrikaans Khoi-San, Coloured and European people
Please sign and share this petition to Make The Cape a Federal Homeland State for Afrikaans Khoi-San, Coloured and European people in Southern Africa to protect them and their unique heritage.
The Cape has a long history which sets it apart from South Africa. It is the traditional homeland for Khoi-San bushman people, the Cape Coloureds and Malays, the Afrikaner Dutch and Germans, as well as Huguenots from France and Settlers from Britain etc, etc.
Ever since the arrival of the Europeans in 1652 it has grown and developed into a unique nation with its own language (Afrikaans), vibrant cultures and traditions and even gave birth to a new ethnic identity, the “coloured or brown people”. It also has a robust economy, the proceeds of which all go to the centrist ANC regime in Johannesburg with very little coming back because the Cape is not in the power of the communist ANC. (The opposition DA party are in power – sadly the DA also have centrist national ambitions so
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Waarheen moet Afrikaners Trek
Wanneer ‘n mens enigiets beplan waar “mense” by betrokke is, moet jy daardie faktor deeglik in aanmerking hou.
Ek wil nou ondermeer verwys na mense se reaksies op ons versoeke dat hulle (ons eendersdenkende volksvriende) na die vryheidsgebied moet verhuis.
Die blankes in Suid-Afrika maak ‘n groot verskeidenheid van die totale bevolking uit. Benewens die taal- en kultuurverskille, het ons ook agtergrond- en opvoedingsverskille.
* As ek myself as ‘n voorbeeld kan gebruik: Ek het in die Kalahari grootgeword, en ‘n groot deel van my algemene kennis gaan oor die lewe in daardie uitgestrekte rooi woestynsandwêreld. As ek my kennis met ‘n mede-volksgenoot deel wat in Pretoria, of Johannesburg, opgegroei het, sal hy nie alles verstaan nie, en moontlik my verhale uiters vervel
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Wat behels Eksterne Selfbeskikking en die struikelblokke op die pad na volle onafhanklikheid
Pikswart Donker Nag op die Volksakker
Dit is pikswart donker nag op die Volksakker, omdat mense ophou praat het agv n 100 jaar se gepolitiekery waar politici alles vir en namens ons doen.
Na 20 jaar van liberale oorheersing is ons op die randjie van uitwissing, behalwe vir n paar naguile wat roep.
Wat gaan ons Volk se toekoms wees ?
Gaan die paar naguile terroristebendes word soos sommige volke in die wereld. OF,
Sal daar n herlewing kom soos by die Skotte, Kataloniers, en ook by ander volke, met n strewe na een of ander vorm van selfbeskikking ?
Herken die Verenigde Nasies nie die reg op selfbeskikking nie ? En, so ook ons land se grondwet !
Eis die Jode en Moslems nie hul reg op selfbeskikking op om self hul eie skole in ons land te vestig en te bestuur nie ?
Wat wil ons in ons dorpe, stede en vir ons land hê
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How Can We Force Governments To Give Us Freedom?
Bondstaat seeks to highlight the plight of peoples who aspire to nationhood. These might be based on peoples or tribes based within a state or even across borders that may or may not have been independently organised in the past. They might have a linguistic or historical separateness from their neighbours or fellow citizens. All will aspire to recognition, autonomy or independence.
And as self-determinists we support the right of all such peoples to determine their future whatever they wish that to be. This includes for example the Venda, Matabele, Afrikaner, Zulu, Kurds, Flemish, Sikhs and Tamils.
However, when it comes to obtaining any form of self-determination, the reaction of the ‘powers that be’ can be wildly different. One only has to take a look at three cases in Europe to see this.
The first example is that of Czechoslovakia.
On 1 January 1993, this artificial state (created after World War I) split into the Czech Republic and Slo
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Artikel 235 van die grondwet lees soos volg:
Artikel 235 van die grondwet lees soos volg:
“The right of the South African people as a whole to self determination, as manifested in this Constitution, does not preclude, within the framework of this right, recognition of the notion of the right of self determination of any community sharing a common cultural and language heritage, within a territorial entity in the Republic or in any other way, determined by national legislation.“
Soos jy seker weet is die klousule deur die VF in 1994 beding. Verder het die ANC ‘n 35% steun vir selfbeskikking gestel voor die 1994verkiesing as bewys dat daar genoegsame steun vir selfbeskikking is. Ook is daar ‘n drie-ledige skriftelike ooreenkoms tussen die ANC, NP ( as die wettige regering op daardie stadium ) en die VF op 23 April 1994 aangegaan dat self beskikking in die toekoms aangespreek kan word. Die VF het 37 ½% steun die verkiesing behaal. Met die sertifisering van die 1966 Grondwet is daa
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Orania: Afrikaner dream gives entrepreneurship a human face
The Orania volkstaat is booming but equal opportunity favours the entrepreneurs and those who have made it on the outside.
Outside his restaurant in what one could call Orania’s central business district, Quinton Diedrichs briefly thumbs through a copy of Michael Hammond and Hanlie Retief’s coffee-table book Orania.
He has seen the book before, he says, so he gives it a cursory once over and places it on one of the outside dining tables in mild disgust. “If you don’t live here and you saw this book, you would think this was a town of white trash. It’s not an accurate representation of the town.”
Granted, Hammond’s lens was a bit too preoccupied with the rickety and kitsch aspects of the town. But Diedrichs’s comments point to the fact that, beyond the supposed homogenising sheen of “culture”, Orania’s mantra, a complex reconfiguring of class is at play, which is
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The land for the Kleinvallei project is part of the Kleinfontein Cultural Community.
It is situated 30km East of Pretoria. The available land is 67ha. In phase 1 of the project we will develop 5ha. 20 Houses will be built as well as a Community Centre. We will also provide the infrastructure for the Eco-friendly Micro farming and related industries as well as a workshop for repairs and maintenance.
The estimated cost of Phase 1 of this development is R8 million ($728 000). This includes the building of 20 Eco-friendly homes at a cost of R220 000/home, the necessary infrastructure like roads, water purifying and methane gas plant for sewerage and organic waste at a cost of R1.1mil, a solar plant, a community centre and funding for the care of the families until such time as the project is profitable and no more outside funding is needed.
The houses
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Om die eiendom in sy besit in ‘n leefruimte vir vryheidsliewende lede van die Boere-Afrikanervolk te ontwikkel, waar hulle alle fasette van hulle eiesoortige volksbestaan, waarvan hulle Christelike geloof, taal en kultuur die belangrikste is, vrylik, onbedreig en onverhinderd kan uitleef in ‘n plaaslike welvarende ekonomie wat op volkseie arbeid gevestig is.
Kleinfontein se ontstaan kan teruggevoer word na die saamtrek van duisende Afrikaners in 1988 op ‘n plaas oos van Pretoria om die 150ste herdenking van die Groot Trek te vier. Afrikaners is verras met die ongerepte plaa
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Make The Cape a Federal Homeland State
Please sign and share this petition to Make The Cape a Federal Homeland State for Afrikaans Khoi-San, Coloured and European people in Southern Africa to protect them and their unique heritage.
Teken en deel asseblief hierdie petisie om Die Kaap ‘n Federale tuisland vir die Afrikaanse Khoi-San, Bruin en Europese mense in Suider-Afrika te maak om hulle en hul unieke erfenis te beskerm.
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The traditional Homelands are listed below with their traditional ethnic tribe who inhabited that area.
Four were independent (the so-called TBVC states of theTranskei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and the Ciskei). The other six had limited self-government:
Independent states
Die BoereVolk
“Take a community of Dutchmen of those who defended themselves for fifty years against all the power of Spain at a time when Spain was the greatest power in the world. Intermix with them a strain of those inflexible French Huguenots who gave up home and fortune and left their country for ever at the time of revocation of the Edict of Nantes. The product must obviously be one of the most rugged, virile, unconquerable races ever seen upon earth. Take this formidable people and train them for seven generations in constant warfare under which no weakling could survive, place them so that they acquire exceptional skill with weapons and horsemanship, give them a country which is eminently suited to the tactics of the huntsman, the marksman, and the rider. Then, finally put a finer temper upon their military qualities by a dour fatalistic Old Testament religion and an ardent and consuming patriotism. Combine all these qualities and all these impulses in one individual and you have the
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Lydenburg / Ohrigstad
Op 25 Julie 1846 koop kommandant SJZR Burg ‘n stuk grond van koning Masoes van die Zoeloes. Dit word omskryf as: “…vanaf Ohrigstad noordwaarts tot by die Olifantsrivier, daarvandaan af tot by die Delagoabaailyn, suidwaarts tot aan die Krokodilrivier, wes tot aan die die Elandspruit op die 26e gradelyn, oos tot teen die aansluiting van die Krokodilrivier en die Komati.” Die koopooreenkoms lui voorts:)” …ten dienste van de Hollandsche Zuid Afrikaansche Natie die thans binnen dat grond zyn en noch in vervolg door de wettige gezag onder hun ter inwooning zal gepermitteerd worde”.
Die ooreenkoms word geteken the Kjakaskraal, Umkomaas deur commandant Burg, WF Joubert, JC Steyn, JM de Beer, L de Jager, J Lötter, H Breytenbach en PJ Coetzer. Namens die Zoeloes teken Masoes, Samkoela, Makienkaan en Mandale
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Stellaland Republiek
As jy jou vinger druk op die kaart presies waar die Wes-Transvaal, die Noord-Kaap, die Vrystaat en Botswana bymekaar kom, lê daar 15500 vierkante kilometer aarde wat in 1882 aan ‘n groep Boere gegee is in ruil vir dienste wat hulle gelewer het in ‘n oorlog tussen inboorlinge. Onder leiding van Van Niekerk is hierdie grond toe tot Republiek verklaar, en omdat daar op daardie tydstip ‘n komeet in die lug sigbaar was, is dit Stellaland genoem – die land van sterre.
Stellaland is as soewereine gebied erken. Daar is verwysings na die republiek in amptelike Britse korrespondensie van die tyd. Rondom 1884 is dit die hoof deurgangsroete na die Noorde en die Stellanders besluit om tolgelde te hef. Hierdie bron van inkomste laat die ZAR besluit om Stellaland deel van die Transvaalse Republiek te maak.
Ek het noo
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Balmoral is a town in Emalahleni in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa.
Located near Witbank, it was established in 1997 by several Afrikanerbusinessmen, including the chairman of the Boere-Republiek Kooperatief Beperk (Boers Republic Co-operative Limited), Fritz Meyer. Intended as a self-declared homeland for white Afrikaners, it was reputed to have been financed by Continue reading…
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FaceBook Groupe
Bewys van mense se gevoelens oor dié saak is dat daar letterlik duisende FaceBoek groupe is wat handel oor die pleit van Suid Afrikaners en hulle ywer na onafhanklikheid en veiligheid en ‘n heenkoms.
Proof of the strength of feeling about this issue is evident in the fact that there are literally thousands of FaceBook pages dealing with European South Africans and their desire for safety, independence and a future.
Obviously many of these are closed or hidden.
SAFFA Nations without a State for a Bondstaat
Radio Vryheid – Ons volk se roepstem vir soewereiniteit
Radio Vryheid – Ons volk se roepstem vir soewereiniteit GeagteVolksgenoot, Radio Vryheid is einde 2012 gestig met die uitsluitlike doel om ons mense, die Boere-Afrikanervolk, wêreldwyd aan te spoor om te verenig rondom die konsep van Vryheid. Ons vryheidsgesinde mense, plaaslik en oorsee het die behoefte om na ‘n Internet radiostasie te luister wat uitdruklik..
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